Become a true thespian as you embark on the Inductions journey. Push your limits, your comfort zones, and yourself. Perform on stage in front of an eager audience and make a name for yourself as a performer. You will be paired with a mentor who will teach you the ins and outs of performance art.
Click here to see how to earn points!
What is the Thespian Society?
The International Thespian society is an honorary organization designed to honor student achievement in the arts. Through participation in and attendance of theatrical events, students can earn points and be inducted in Countryside High School’s Thespian Troupe 900.
How do I become a Thespian?
Get involved in CHS theatre! Every ten (10) hours worked is worth the equivalent of one (1) point. Once you earn 10 points, you become eligible for induction. A minimum of five (5) points counting toward induction must come from CHS theatre.
How can I get involved?
Attend troupe/drama club meetings in the auditorium to learn about ongoing and upcoming opportunities.
Work on the stage crew for a production.
Take a theatre class.
Participate in the District 4 Festival.
Audition and participate in CHS productions.
Run sound and lights for auditorium rentals.
Troupe publicity and fund-raising.
Ushering / Pre-show set up / Post-show clean-up
Attend shows and write critiques.
And more!
When are Thespians inducted?
The induction ceremony typically takes place in the spring each year.
What happens after I am inducted?
Once inducted into Thespian Troupe 900, you still continue to earn points for every production you work on. These points accrue and add up to Thespian Honors. Upon graduation, students may receive an honor plaque denoting their Thespian honor status. To maintain active status in the troupe, every Thespian is expected to earn a minimum of five points (50 hours worth of work) from involvement in CHS theatre each year.
Once you become an inducted Thespian, you are also eligible to apply to be a troupe officer. Applications will be available each spring and interviews will be held to determine who will serve as officers for the following school year.
How do I record Thespian points?
Point sheets are available in the auditorium.
District IV Thespian Festival
The District IV Thespian Festival provides the opportunity for students to showcase their performance and technical work in front of adjudicators with professional theatre backgrounds. Students do NOT need to be inducted Thespians to attend at the district level. The District festival takes place in early December each year, with audition and registration information available in late August. For more details on the different events that students can participate in, visit https://districtivthespians.weebly.com/.
"Through Inductions I met the nicest people of my life. Everyone in theatre cares so deeply about one another. When you're in theatre you're with family."
- Finn French, Senior